



Are you worried that your partner is abusing alcohol or drugs?

forest photoIf these behaviors sound familiar, your world probably feels like a crazy place. You may often feel anxious, edgy, sad, and even frantic without really knowing why. You and your partner may seem to argue more frequently over insignificant issues. Your partner may be home less or not really available when he or she is home. The things you used to enjoy together may have fallen by the wayside. You are beginning to realize you have sacrificed your time, energy, and your own well-being in an attempt to keep your life and your partner’s life from spinning out of control.

Fortunately, you can find peace in this chaos. Even in the midst of your constant concern and your partner’s insistence that he or she is fine, you can take a step back, gain a new perspective, reestablish self-control, and create hope for your future. Kathy Querin specializes in helping people make clear, thoughtful decisions about how best to manage their own lives and experience personal growth while coping with those around them who are abusing substances.

Contact Kathy today to start reclaiming your peace of mind—and living the life you deserve to live.