




pathKathy Querin is located in SW Portland near the I-5 and Hwy 217 interchange.

Address: 7175 SW Beveland Street, Suite 200, Portland, OR 97223

To schedule an appointment with Kathy, feel free to contact her by phone or email.

Phone: 503.620.4000

Email: counselor@kathyquerin.com

Please only use email for scheduling an appointment or general questions–it is not intended to be used for confidential, urgent, or emergency matters. If you are in crisis, please call 911, go to the nearest hospital, or call a crisis line.

Washington County Crisis Line – 503.291.9111
Multnomah County Crisis Line – 503.988.4888
Clackamas County Crisis Line – 503.655.8401
Portland Women’s Crisis Line – 503.235.5333